Your hair? Straightened.
Your mother? Loving
Your father? Good
Your favorite material object? Money
Your dream from last night? Nothing
Your favorite drink? Chocolate!
Your dream car? Convertible
The room you're in right now? My library
Your ex? I dunno.
Your fear? Cockroaches
What do you want to be in 10 years? Successful
What are you not? Mathematician
What did you do last night? Read
What's the last thing you did before this? Read
What are you wearing? Shorts
Your favorite book? Mystery
The last thing you ate? Fish
Your life? Simple
Your mood? Chill
Your friends? Funny
What are you thinking about right now? Work
Your summer? Heartbreaking
What's on your TV? Nothing
The last time you laughed? Yesterday
The last time you cried? June
School? Hm?
Your favorite weekend activity? Laughing
Dream job? Editor
Your computer? Sufficient
Just outside your window? Trees
Beer? Tiger!
Mexican food? Please!
Winter? Hopefully
Religion? Christian Catholic
Vacation? Excited!
On your bed? Pillows
Love? Awesome.