The Hangman's Revolution was not what I expected in so many ways. I have over ten of Eoin Colfer's books, which expresses my love for his work, but this second book in the W.A.R.P. series just...disappointed me.
I'm happy that Chevie Savano and Riley were together once again, although this time they were racing against time to save Chevie's present-day reality. They team up with unlikely allies, and happily, they save the day. I have to add that last part because for several moments there I wondered if the book was going to end on a happy note.
The Hangman's Revolution was action-packed, filled with icky visuals that usually would have made me laugh. I wondered if it was simply my mood while reading, but as I have read the story over several days through several weeks, that does not seem to be the case.
Humor came in the form of Figary the butler, who oft quoted his mother Mrs. Figary and insisted on the proper usage of the English language. There was also, of course, the memorable sewer episode, and Lunka and Otto's dialogues. I noted a mild improvement in Riley as well, and I find myself finally appreciating the character. I love how unique he is, from his usage of magic, to his excellence in martial arts.
This time I could not connect to any of the characters. I was transported to the setting, but I found myself bored and hoping that I'll finish the story soon enough. Maybe it's just the series slump, as I found the first book, The Reluctant Assassin, to be better than this.
And yet even though I only gave The Hangman's Revolution 3 stars, I still found myself clicking on the "Want to Read" button for the third W.A.R.P. book. The book ended on a pretty interesting note, and I'm curious to see how this plays out.
Have you ever wanted to read the next book in the series even though the previous book did not meet your expectations? Why or why not? :)